Ismael Vaz



:: Departamento de Produção e Sistemas ::
:: Escola de Engenharia ::
:: Campus de Gualtar ::
4710-057 Braga - Portugal


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:: NSIPS Software Package Home Page


NSIPS is a solver for semi-infinite programming problems that uses the SIPAMPL software package.

NSIPS package includes four main methods for solving SIP problems, with some variations, resulting in a total of seven methods.

NSIPS accepts options from command line, environment variables and options in the model file.

NSIPS has a technical report which is the software manual.

NSIPS is available through the NEOS server, thanks to Hans D. Mittelmann.

This package was tested in a Linux (Red Hat 5.2 and Red Hat 7.1) and Microsoft Windows box. Portability is not guaranteed but ports to other systems should be easy.

:: Installing

In binary form:

  • Place the binary where ampl can find it and just run the model with the ampl command.

In source form:

  • Obtain the necessary libraries (AMPL, SIPAMPL and NPSOL libraries, if you want to use the NPSOL to solve the nonlinear finite problems). I did not try NPSOL in the MS-Windows version of NSIPS.

  • Get the NSIPS source file. Uncompress (tar xvzf ...);

  • Copy to makefile the makefile that suits your purpose, or use make -f.

  • Make the binary by just typing make in the nsips directory.


 :: Go to Download Page



webdesign: Isabel Espírito Santo